- 20 minutes
In as less as 20 minutes after quitting smoking your blood pressure, heart rate and skin temperature will normalize.
- 8 hours
In this period the carbon monoxide levels in the blood reduces and oxygen carrying capacity of the blood improves by up to 15%. So quitting smoking will make you feel less tired and more energetic
- 24 hours
It takes a day to measurably reduce the risk of heart attack once you quit smoking. Support and quit smoking tips are easily available online, so don’t worry and take a step ahead now.
- 48 hours
Sense of taste and smell improves in two days after quitting smoking and your nerve endings begin to rejuvenate. Also your lungs will cleanse themselves in this period. You will find breathing easier and if you get quit smoking support from family members and go out for a holiday, you will feel relaxed about quitting smoking.
- 72 hours
Congratulations, the nicotine levels in your body have returned to zero and you are nicotine-free now. This is the most crucial time after quitting smoking. You will feel like smoking to replace the lost nicotine levels. However with right quit smoking tips and quit smoking support from friends, family and colleagues, you should be able to go through the rough patch easily.
- 2 to 12 weeks
Circulation and lung function improve dramatically to make you feel healthier like never before.
- 1 year
Cilia grow back to clear lungs and there’s a lower likelihood of coughs and upper respiratory infection. There’s also further reduction heart attack risk. Most people without right quit smoking support from friends and family fail before they reach to this point, don’t make this mistake. Get right quit smoking tips and ask your friends and family to give encouragement and quit smoking support to reach your end goal.
- After 5-10 years
Lung, throat, mouth, tongue, lip, nasal and bladder cancers risks, all reduce to half that of a smoker. Risk of stroke reduces to that of a non smoker.
- After 15 years
Heart disease risk reduces to the same as a non smoker.
Quitting smoking is not impossible and all you need are few quit smoking tips (try Internet) and unending support from loved ones.